Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Heart of an Artist

We women wear many faces: the face we keep on for an eight hour day at work, the face that smiles when our kids or significant others come home and ask us what's for dinner, the face we pose in a social setting when we don't really know anyone there... it's safe to say that we keep ourselves in check... a lot. But what we wear can set us free and speak for us when saying exactly what we think might not be the most productive course of action. Our style lets us spend a little time each day with that artist that lives in each of us, oft neglected but always ready to rise to the occasion.

Total Regular Retail Price: $1735
Total Price at Finders Keepers Boutique: $739

Boutique Girl: Julia (styled and photographed by Carrie)

On Julia:
Dress: Atos Lombardini $229
Cardigan: Tracy Porter $39
Boots: Stuart Weitzman: $219
Beaded Belt: Donna Karen (NWT - retail $500) $219
Sequined Hat: $33